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086 170 6733

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Spring wreath-making workshop with lunch & bubbles - Saturday 5th April & Sunday 6th April - 10am to 2pm

Price 140.00 euro including all materials, coffee/tea on arrival, two course lunch with bubbles


Flowers For All Occasions

At Boru Decor, we are passionate about flowers. Whether you want to create a beautiful bridal bouquet or a gift for Mother’s Day, we can help you. We will guide you and advise on the best flowers and arrangements for your event. Our years of experience designing and supplying beautiful flower arrangements means you can come to us for advice when choosing flowers for any wedding, event or party.


Wedding Flowers

We are experienced florists, designers and makers of wedding bouquets, buttonholes, floral arches and all kinds of wedding flowers. We care about our flowers as much as you do, which is why we only use the highest quality blooms and craft with care. You can see our beautiful creations by clicking here and arrange your bespoke flowers with us. We’ll work with you to create a memorable wedding reception that fits your style and budget.


Special Event Flowers

We understand the feelings that special events represent and we are here to work with you every step of the way. We take inspiration from our extensive stock of fresh flowers, stems and foliage to design the perfect arrangement in accordance with your wishes. As a family business, we are known for our floral artistry and ability to make every event unique. Feel free to call us and we can discuss your upcoming event.


Funeral Flowers Online

We try our best to make it as easy as possible for your choice of funeral flowers to be selected and delivered with care. Flowers are a traditional way of showing respect and appreciation for those who have departed. We have a wide range of funeral flowers available on our online shop, and if you wish to give flowers or have a wreath organised and would like some advice, please feel free to draw upon our expertise - we are here to help you.


Ordering Flowers Online

Boru Decor has now established our own online shop. We have available a wide range of seasonal flowers, including flowers to suit any event you may have in mind. If there are any particular flowers or colours that you would like feel free to call us and we will do our best to accommodate you. We offer delivery throughout Wicklow and South Dublin and also offer nationwide delivery of our wreaths all year round.

Ordering Flowers Online

You can call us at 0861706733