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086 170 6733

About Us

About Us

BORU DÉCOR is a floral studio business based in the beautiful south Wicklow countryside near  Aughrim. We are known for our combination of wild natural looks combined with sophisticated  roses and florals.  

Boru Décor’s studio is the base for designing the most beautiful weddings and special events for our  discerning clients. We provide bespoke wedding flowers throughout Leinster and have worked at  Luttrelstown Castle, Kilkee Castle, Druids Glen Resort, Ballymagarvey Village, Slane Castle, Truddar  Lodge, Tinakilly House, Rathsallagh House, Ballybeg House and of course our local Brook Lodge  Hotel. 

In addition, we prepare our unique floral gift bouquets and arrangements to order for delivery throughout County Wicklow. Check out our Shop for ideas! 

Our way forward for sustainable floral design is to no longer use non-degradeable floral foam for our  wedding and event work, we source most of our foliage in Ireland and use wild flowers and textural  plants from our cutting gardens where possible. We do buy our luxury roses and other flowers  direct from farms around the world. 


Who are we?

The two sisters!


Christine Galbraith

Christine has worked as an interior designer for many years in Ireland and the UK and more recently trained as a commercial florist.


Dympna Tobin

Dympna is an experienced event planner who combines attention to detail with a strong eye for creative innovation. She has also studied commercial floristry and attained diplomas in hotel and event floristry.


We are always learning! We love new challenges and creating new floral installations. Designs from pretty country to elegant strong floral displays are all part of our portfolio.