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086 170 6733


Sympathy Flowers - Single Spray Arrangement

Local Wicklow Delivery Only (1).png
Local Wicklow Delivery Only (1).png

Sympathy Flowers - Single Spray Arrangement


Please note: orders for funeral and sympathy flowers are normally available within 12 hours of ordering for Wicklow deliveries. Please phone us to discuss your order (tel: 086 1706 733).

A classic mix of white and purple to include lisianthus, roses or carnations, chrysanthemums, grasses and mixed foilage. Approx 80 cms. Can be made in other colour combinations.

We now also accept payments by phone with our new Bank of Ireland payment system.

Seasonal flowers from our cutting garden and a range of flowers from our Dutch suppliers.

Order online or phone us. All bouquets and arrangements are made to order so allow 24 hours for County Wicklow and 36 hours for south Dublin normally for your bespoke order. If you don’t see what you like on our shop please phone or email us your request! Please arrange details with Christine via or 086 170 6733.

All arrangements contain a mix of flowers. We reserve the right to replace flowers with similar to endure best quality available when ordering.

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